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See Google Scholar for full list of publications
* = Student mentee co-author
** = Community partner co-author

Begolli, K., *Bermudez, V. N., Lawrence, L., Alvarez-Vargas, D. *Valdez, S. V., Santana, E., *Acevedo-Farag, L. M., Ahn, J., Bailey D. H., Rhodes, K., Richland, L., & Bustamante, A. (2024). Incorporating design based implementation research with a randomized controlled trial to develop and evaluate the efficacy of playful rational number learning. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 78, 102296. 

*Guo, S., Bailey, D. H., Rhodes, K., Begolli, K. N., Bermudez, V. N., Lawrence, L., *Alvarez-Vargas, D., *Acevedo-Farag, L. M., Ahn, J., Bustamante, A. S., Richland, L. E. (2024). Buckets of fun: Impact of Fraction Ball activities on students’ math-related emotions. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 92, 101645. 

Lawrence, L., Mercier, E., *Tucker, T., Bosch, N., & Paquette, L. (2024). Accuracy and effectiveness of models for predicting collaboration on instructors’ strategies and groups’ collaboration. Computers and Education Open, 7, 100203. 

Lawrence, L., Shehab, S., & Tissenbaum, M. (2024). Understanding non-designers' practices and processes in a human-centered design course. International Journal of Innovation in Education, 9(5), 1-27. 

Swanson, H., Lawrence, L., *Arnell, J., *Dawkins, A., *Jones, B., Sherin, B., & Wilensky, U. (2023). Helping teachers cultivate responsive teaching strategies through the co-design of computational modeling environments. In Learning, Design and Technology (LDT ’23), June 23, 2023, Evanston, IL, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, (pp. 79–86).


Swanson, H., Lawrence, L., *Arnell, J., *Jones, B., Sherin, B., & Wilensky, U. (2024). Computational Models as Tools for Supporting for Responsive Teaching. Behavior and Information Technology, 1-18.


Cromley, J., Chen, R., & Lawrence, L. (2023). Meta-analysis of STEM learning using virtual reality: Benefits across the board. Journal of Science Education and Technology (32), 355–364. 

Echeverria, V. *Yang, K., Lawrence, L., Rummel, N., & Aleven, V. (2023). Designing human-AI orchestration tools to support dynamic classroom transitions. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 16(2), 191–205. 

Lawrence, L., Echeverria, V., *Yang, K., Rummel, N., & Aleven, V. (2023). Developing a Human-AI co-orchestration system: A multi-year teacher-centered design process. In Special Issue on Human-Centered Learning Analytics, British Journal of Educational Technology. 5(3), 823–844. 

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